Constructly Control saving up to 5% with proper defect
management for contractor SR-Group

SR-Group Russia

387 739 m2
Project volume
$335, 92mln
Estimated cost of projects


Multiple projects with dozens of subcontractors at the same time. Difficult to manage projects at the site which leads to reworks and penalties.


Grow profit decreasing reworks and increasing quality of construction. Automate defect management, so that contractors wouldn’t miss any and fix them on time.


Defect management tool for contractors to track defects assigned to them and submit their work for approval.


Decrease in avg defect resolution time
Decrease in avg
defect resolution time
Saving on QC supervision
Saving on
QC supervision
Profit savings on
penalties and fines
Profit savings on penalties and fines

SR-Group story snapshot

Defect management is a daily routine for contractors, however, this process was not digitized leading to lost defects and deadlines not being met, or met with significant budget overruns due to reworks. It was necessary to provide the workers with efficient tools allowing them to drive efficiency and keep penalties to a minimum.

Recognizing that defect management is a starting point to improve quality,
the contractor invested in digitizing the process at the site.
Pilot time
2 months
800+ subcontractors
<30% defect resolution delay

The focus during the pilot was on moving defect management
and all communications associated with them to the App

  • On-site training for contractors
  • KPIs for users and weekly tracking
  • Weekly reports for the management
  • Dedicated adoption of the tool and user assistance
The company gained 3-5% profit increase reducing reworks and penalties.
By the end of the pilot SR-Group teams showed significant
improvement in defect resolution time which has decreased
from 20 to 5 days. The amount of reworks decreased by 2 times.
After the successful pilot the solution was
rolled out to other projects of the Contractor.
Vladimir Omelyan
SR-Group Chief tech supervisor

“Initially, I was unsure about using the App, as I had never used construction software before. But the customer success team's support and guidance made it easy to understand how it works and why it was going to make my job easier. The App helped streamline our project by allowing us to quickly, without any delays start fixing defects found by QC engineers, track their statuses and have a defect log at one place.

It appeared more convenient than Excel spreadsheets and texting on WhatsApp with attached photos and reminders. The App actually reduced the amount of paperwork, saving us time and money on reworks.”


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