Constructly AI Progress Tracking
increasing yearly gross
margin by 4.7% for top-2
developer in Europe

Samolet Group Russia

Developer in construction vol. in EU
$2 bln.
Estimated cost of projects
240+ contractors
On 23 projects


Multiple large-scale projects with dozens of contractors and consultants. Budget overruns and costly downtime due inability to track progress of its trades with no significant biasing leading to wrong states of what have been done on site. Which, in turn, caused setting up unrealistic deadlines and time shifts. Progress rather asummed than tracked. Given that 50% of the projects were hitting their margin due to budget and time overruns.


Increase profit, decrease delays, build automated real-time progres tracking of site activities to improve projects’ transparency.


Exterior and interior progress tracking solutions designed to integrate with existing
project and cost management management tools.
They provide real-time data insights, and generates customizable
reports for the needs of the company.


Decrease in avg time for project to complete
Months average time reduction with 22-24 months total project timeline
Monthly saved on planners’ work per month and per project  on avg
Of projects completed on time and within budget

Samolet Group story snapshot

The project for POC was a large-scale residential and commercial complex,
consisting of over 150 units and 1 939 964 m2 construction volume. Primarily we started with 24 contractors out of 53.

Due to contractors’ lack of operational capacity for proper spending analysis, EOT claims used to not be submitted on time, resulting in delays,
unexpected for the developer and consultant. In most projects, contractors
were also responsible for procuring materials and their slow processing
of raw data led to significant delays in obtaining long-lead items.
Implementation of progress tracking tool aimed to grow project margin by:
  • Implementation site walk process to consistently track changes made by trades and capture the site on a different periods of time
  • Building a set of realtime dashboards for the management so they can track what has been done in a high-level perspective
  • Increasing trust and transparency between trades and the client by providing clear unbiased data on the progress
  • Helping contractors reduce penalties due to delays caused by assumed status on finished activities
During the 2-month pilot our team collaborated closely with the developer
and contractors, assessing their existing data management and reporting
systems, customizing the solution to meet their needs, and providing
hands-on training and support to achieve successful adoption.
Pilot time
2.5 months
24 contractors
Construction volume
939 964 m2
Project timeline
18 months
During the next 6 months after the POC the use of Constructly
AI Progress Tracking was expanded to all 53 contractors on the project.
4.7% annual profit increase ($752,000 per year,
based on the total project budget of $16M)
A 45% reduction in meeting time was achieved, saving approximately 117 hours annually (with 1-hour meeting 5 times per week).

Additionally, there was a 70% decrease in site capturing and report generation time,
saving around 436.8 hours per project annually, assuming 8-hour reports generated weekly.

Timely reporting resulted in a 34% reduction in the delay for most of the contractors, saving an average of 3 months per project.
$21K monthly saved on planners’ work within the project
76 hours per month reduction in time spent on Excel-based tasks helped the planners dedicate more time to strategic planning and risk mitigation.
98% of projects completed on time and within budget (147 units out of 150)
3 months average reduction in project timeline
Considering the initial timeline of 20 months, this reduction
in project timeline led to 15% efficiency increase.
9 VS 6 out of 10 base satisfaction score of contractors
Ayman El-Hashem
Managing Director of Construction

“Achieving almost 5% profit growth in just a year, without the need for a long adoption process, is truly game changing. With unbiased real-time data coming from the site promptly processed and analyzed, we now clearly see what 's the progress at a given time. So we are able to develop mitigation plans just in time to adress arising issues proactively, before they influence baseline schedule and actual costs.”

Marina Cherniykh
Contractor Planning Manager

“As a result, we've seen a notable improvement in our ability to proactively identify potential issues and implement timely solutions. Constructly AI Progress Tracking has not only increased our efficiency but also made a substantial positive impact on overall project success.”


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